About Us

From its inception in 1981 Diversejobs has been involved with many aspects of the Needlework and Craft Industry. Employing a group of talented, long term associates, we produced custom designs in a variety of mediums for a wide range of clients. During the rapid growth of the Cross-Stitch era Diversejobs designed, marketed, produced and shipped complete kits to large retail shops and major catalog companies in the United States and several foreign countries. While working with a major company handling the production and warehousing of the full line of their Cross Stitch Kits other designers began asking us to produce their kits.

As the marketplace has changed and with the increase of online shopping many independent designers and kit producers are reevaluating how to get their products to market.

Our new clients have decided that their time is better spent producing new designs and marketing their products instead of doing all aspects of kit production. They recognize the benefit of not having to order and stock the embroidery floss and Aida cloth to meet their kit requirements, thus reducing their capital expenditure and raw materials inventory. They also have eliminated the tedious task of setting up and pulling floss to produce floss hanks or Presorted Floss Cards.

How does Diversejobs help our clients manage and grow their businesses. We manage all components of the kit production. You, the client decide if you want Diversejobs to produce, DMC Floss Hanks, Presort Cards with DMC Floss, or Complete Kits ready for shipment to your customers.

Contact us for detailed information on production options and arrange for pricing quotes based on your needs. Give us a call at (301) 834-6005 or email at diversejobs.xyz@gmail.com with your questions on how we can help you get to the next stage of your business plan.